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Jan 9, 2008

Bass Behavior in Cold Water

From bassintips.com
clipped from www.bassintips.com
This is a big deal to bass fishermen, because water temperature can be used to accurately predict how bass will be acting at any stage of a year.
Because a bass's entire metabolism is tuned to its circulatory system temperature. In cold water the metabolism slows down, the brain slows down, and the bass slows down.
In cold water a bass's instincts are less finely tuned it has less appetite and it mostly stays suspended in a hiding place, waiting for warmer water.
It is fairly easy to catch bass in cold water, but only if you can find them and if you use the right techniques.
Primarily, this means putting bait in front of a fish that looks right, makes the right sounds, and smells right. The colder the water, the slower the bass's brain operates and the slower you must present the lure, otherwise, the lure is gone before the bass's brain tells it to bite.

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