Everything clipped remains in its original, unaltered state except in the case of text where the relevant content may be pulled from a larger work. This means that text clippings retain any grammar or spelling errors they originally had. I actually prefer it this way. Yeah, I know I'm weird like that.

Feb 8, 2008

Testing Polarized Sunglasses

A good tip to see how effective polarized sunglasses are is you get 2 of the same pair and have 1 pair like ---- and the other pair like | when they are in front of each other like a cross if you try to look through them you will not be able to. The less you can see the better!
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Jan 24, 2008

Tip to Improve Line Flotation

clipped from www.bassfishin.com
You can get a jar of unscented Alboline at the drugstore. Treating your line for the last ten or fifteen feet will float your line on top and help with the buzzbait. Alboline is an old timey face cleanser, but a lot of fly fishermen use it as a fly line and fly floatant. Just be sure to get the unscented. For storage and use, I put it in 35 mm film canisters, about half full. It will melt on your fingers becomming liquid and easy to apply to the line.

I don't know that this is necessary, but I've seen some folks use floatant with smaller lures than buzzbaits.
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Jan 22, 2008

DIY Roll-On Scent Applicator

Worried about spilling scents and getting it all over your carpet or cloths. Use a Ban Roll on bottle. Make sure you clean it really well. You have to take the ball out, which isn’t really that hard. Fill it with your favorite fish scent. Put the ball back in, screw the top back on and you have it. It won't spill all over the boats carpet, or the gelcoat. All you have to do is rub it on your bait.
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Detecting a Bite on Plastics

from what i have seen and read the ol double tap is the bass sucking the lure in(tap 1) and then blowing the lure out(tap 2). if you wait for the second you missed the fish. having said that bluegill and other fish will give the ol double tap as well or tap it several times very fast. i was doing a tank demo at BPS and really got to see how this worked in the very clear water. i was flippin a brush hawg and could see the bass suck it in and feel the tap and as it blew the bait out feel the second. it was eye opening for me. i watched a couple of the other anglers do the demos and would see them setting the hook as soon as the bait was sucked in mind you the hooks are cut or bent over so the fish dont get hooked. doug 
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Jan 18, 2008

Tying the Palomar Knot

My preferred knot. Ridiculously simple to tie and holds fast using mono or braid.
clipped from youtube.com
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Casting With a Baitcaster

a couple of pointers. for a overhead cast the most common problem is people "chop" the line off and then don't stop the spool soon enough, results bird house. you have to follow through just like with a golf swing come all the way over and point the tip of the rod at the spot you want to cast to. set the spool tension until the lure or casting plug barely spools off and stops with the rod held level and the lure hits the ground the spool stops.  if you have a magnetic control start at mid range and as you improve you can loosen things up for a longer cast. another thing when casting overhead rotate your hand till the reel is on its side this way the spool will set against the side and not "float" like it does holding it level.......remember follow through ...never change directions of the rod once you start or you will back lash. before you know it you will develope a "sixth sense" and be able to feel how hard you can cast under different conditions......hope this helps
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